VETcert exam - Consulting level
The consulting level of the VETcert exam is a one-day exam. It consists of a written exam with open questions, an outdoor part with exercises and oral questioning and the writing of a veteran tree management report.
The written part is worth approximately 34% of the overall marks, the outdoor session is worth 21% and the veteran tree management report is worth the remaining 45% of the overall marks.
During the outdoor part the candidate is examined by two examiners, asking both generic questions on veteran tree management and questions relating to specific veteran trees. The candidate is also allowed sufficient time to survey 2 veteran trees in order to prepare for writing a report.
Based on his/her survey, the candidate is to produce a veteran tree management report on 2 trees. This can be done on a computer, but without access to internet or other technology. A given template is to be followed. For your information, the template can be downloaded below.
Also, an indicative content document for the consulting level exam has been developed.
Archived versions (not up to date)